Grunberg & Co Ltd (“Grunberg & Co“) is registered in England and Wales as a limited company number: 07213677
Registered address: 5 Technology Park, Colindeep Lane, London, NW9 6BX.
Registered to carry on audit work by The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.
Details about our audit registration can be viewed at Reference number: C002500796.
Professional Indemnity Insurance
In accordance with the disclosure requirements of the Provision of Services Regulations 2009, our Professional Indemnity insurance is with American International Group UK Ltd, 58 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 4AB. Reference number: P23A263409P. The territorial coverage is worldwide excluding professional business carried out from an office in the United States of America or Canada and excludes any action for a claim brought in any court in the United States or Canada.
Associate Directors of the firm are not directors of Grunberg & Co Limited, and are not subject to the obligations and responsibilities of directors within Part 10 of the Companies Act 2006.